
Lake Henderson 11-10-18 and Year End 2018

Lake Henderson and Year End 2018

We finished the 2018 season on Lake Henderson with 2 teams in the running for AOTY with second place trailing by 11 points. Hard to believe team Jason and Darrell pictured below could come back and win the AOTY after team Mike and Steve tried to hang on over the last 4 tournaments after leading most of the year. Jason and DarrellMust have been the boat…        CONGRATS TO JASON AND DARRELL!!!

First Place with 5 bass weighing 10.49 lbs goes to Jason and Darrell

Second Place 5 bass weighing 8.95 lbs goes to Godwin and Keith

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 7.92 lbs goes to Bart and Cody

Big Bass weighing 3.43 lbs goes to Jason and Darrell

Congrats to all the winners.

Hope everyone had a great holiday season and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!

Looking forward to seeing everyone on January 26th on the Winter Haven Chain.
