Club Membership is limited to 15 Teams max, due to the limited capacity of parking at some tournament locations which are smaller lakes.
Tournaments will be held on the 4th Saturday of each month, but subject to change due to holiday or other unforeseen circumstances.
No leaving of the ramp after the team has checked in for a tournament until directed by a tournament director to do so.
No Trailering your BOAT prior to weighing in your fish, unless directed by one of the tournament directors to do so.
Coast Guard approved life preservers MUST BE WORN when your boat is ON PLANE.
There will still be “NO CULLING AT THE RAMP” and Boats will be ALLOWED to only have a 5 FISH LIMIT in their possession during Tournament Hours. If a 6th keeper is caught, it must be either released immediately or added to the Livewell and one of the other keepers must be released. ** From the months of July thru September, a 4 FISH LIMIT will be instituted as a means to reduce fish mortality.
All rules will be enforced as to the interpretation of the Tournament Directors. All protest must be written and presented to a Tournament Director BEFORE the end of weigh-in. All decisions will be final upon announcement.
Violations of any of these rules, along with our already established Club Rules, may be subject to DISQUALIFICATION.
- The initial membership fee is $50.00 per team, and is divided up as follows:
- $40.00 from each joining team is awarded to the winners of the “Classic” in November.
- $6.00 from each joining team is awarded to the second place finishers.
- $4.00 from each joining team is awarded to the third place finishers.
- Each of the teams that finish in the “Classic” money also receive the moneys regularly awarded throughout the year for their respective finishing position (ie. First, Second, Third).
The entry fee is $70.00 per team, per event. This is a team club, therefore the entry fee is $70.00 per event, whether a member fishes with his team partner or by himself.
Club pays back accordingly to the number of teams registered to fish each tournament. The club pays back three places per event in the following order: 65%, 35%, $10/per team. For a reference chart on the actual money amounts paid out in each event click on the "Payout Chart" button from the menu.
$10.00 of each team’s entry fee is applied toward the “BIG BASS” pay back for each tournament. $5.00 of each teams entry fee is applied towards web site maintenance, Angler of the Year trophies, and any monies leftover from the $5.00 will go towards the payout of the Classic.
If a team member quits for the season and the remaining member of the team fishes with a new partner, the new partner must pay a $25.00 membership fee at the point he becomes a club member. This does not include someone fishing as a substitute for a single event. Each team is allowed two substitutions per tournament season. If a third substitution is needed the substitute must join to be your permanent substitute for the remaining tournament season. So for the remaining tournament season you can fish with your original partner or your permanent sub or fish by yourself. Your substitute selection must be the same substitute for each tournament and not a different person for different tournaments. No additional subs may join/sub.
Winners are selected by weight first, number of fish caught second, and by heaviest fish third. If two or more teams remain tied, the allotted money for the finishing positions will be combined and split evenly between the teams involved.
- Fish will be measured on a “golden rule” with the mouth closed and touching the end bar.
Any member may ask to borrow the Weigh-master’s golden rule BEFORE the fish is handed to the Weigh-master for an official weight. IF A TEAM BRINGS A SHORT FISH TO THE SCALES FOR AN OFFICIAL WEIGHT, THAT FISH ALONG WITH THE HEAVIEST FISH IN THE TEAM’S CREEL WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE TOTAL WEIGHT.
- The Weigh-master will measure the smallest fish in each creel.
A four ounce per dead fish deduction will be charged for each dead fish weighed. This deduction will be assessed to the team’s total weight for the event.
- The net weight (total weight minus penalty deductions) will be used to determine the final tournament results.
If only one team catches fish in a tournament, that team will receive all the monies paid in for that event.
If a team experiences mechanical problems, it is their responsibility to see that their fish are at the scales by the weigh-in deadline.
The weigh-in will begin at 2:00 pm for each event. All Teams must be at the Boat Ramp or designated area at 2:00 pm or weigh-in time if changed. Being within sight is not considered being at the ramp. Teams will be assessed a one lb. penalty (starting with Big bass) for each minute they are past the official weigh-in time. It is your team’s responsibility to coordinate your watch with the official time kept by the Weigh-master before blast-off. The Weigh-master will announce the official time before blast-off at each event.
Teams not launching from the designated launch site for each tournament will have their live-wells checked by another team member prior to blast-off.
Any team arriving late to register (after blast-off) will be required to find one of the Directors to have their live wells checked prior to fishing.
No team member can fish more than one rod at a time. If both members have a fishing rod in their hand, and a third rod/line is below the water’s surface, this will be considered as a member fishing with two rods at the same time for the purpose of this rule. It is not necessary that a specific member of that team be identified as the violator.
Any team with their trolling motor up and anchor out will be given a 35 yard buffer by all other club members.
- No combustion engine trolling.
- No live bait.
- St. Pete Pro Bass will have Black Bass Tournament Permits for each tournament and they will be handed out on
the day of the tournament. 12" minimum size limit per bass.
- All teams must start from the same location.
- Annual club meeting will be on the first evening of the Classic Tournament in which the AOTY awards will be handed out and general discussions to follow. There will be another meeting at the last tournament of the season in which the lakes will be chosen for the
following year. The lakes will be chosen by each team based on each teams final points standings for the year. i.e. first place team will choose the lake they want and the month. Then second place will follow, etc until all 11 lakes are chosen. If a team is not present at the last tournament the directors will contact them at a later date to get their picks until all 11 lakes are chosen. In the event a team declines to pick a lake due to team not returning then the pick goes to next in line. If not enough teams to complete the 11 picks then we will start back at the first team, etc. to complete schedule.
Club Directors are required to pay 1/2 total dues. In the event that a scheduled tournament has to be changed, the team that picked the lake will be given the opportunity to pick another lake. Should that team not be available for a pick and/or had they left the club, then the Club Directors will choose the alternate lake and/or date change. Club Directors, in the best interest of our club history, may overrule any motions, votes, etc.
- Unless otherwise mentioned prior to the tournament, each event will blast-off at “safe light”.
There will be an “Angler of the Year” team awarded at the end of each year. The winning team will be determined by the total points for the year. Both winning team members will receive a trophy/plaque.
The link below is to download our membership application. The application is in Microsoft Word form. Please enter your team's information and email the document to the club president.