Lake Walk-in-Water
August 28th, 2010
To begin I would like to welcome two subs who fished with us. Matt Sparks who fished with John Fugate and Bill Mackin who fished with his brother Frank Mackin. Yes Frank was lucky enough to adjust his work schedule to come fish.
We had 8 teams show up to brave another hot summer day of fishing. At least there was plenty of water and we did not get rained on. The wind sure did pick up mid to late morning which is always fun to deal with, along with lots of rain prior to tournament day usually causes a slow bite.
There was 24 bass brought to the scales weighing 53.92 pounds total.
First place with 5 bass and a total weight of 14.24 lbs goes to Godwin and Glenn.
Second place with 4 bass and a total of 13.69lbs goes to Phil and Darrell.
Third place with 5 bass and a total weight of 10.13lbs goes to Frank and Bill.
Big Bass weighing 7.41lbs goes to Phil and Darrell.
Congrats to all the winners!
Our next tournament with be at the Winter Haven Chain. We will be launching out of William G. Roe Park on Lake Shipp. Tournament date is Sept. 25th.
Hope To See You All At The Ramp