First I must apologize for the late newsletter being posted. My computer has been down for quite a while and just now getting caught up.
Now if I can remember way back in June? You know what happens when you turn 50? Just ask Keith he will tell you. You get “CRS” ( can’t remeber shit). We had 10 teams show up to fish on what turned out to be a pleasant day until about 12:30-1:00 when the thunderstorms rolled in. 32 bass were weighed in weighing 84.75 lbs. We had a few subs who fished this tournament. Kelly Shivgolam fished with Glenn Wilson, Lou Hartung fished with Joe Inserra, Buddy Doyle fished with Malcolm Acree and Dell Katzer fished with Mike Bard.
Water level was low and good thing brush piles were installed throughout the lake cause thats where the fish were.
First Place with 5 bass weighing 18.73lbs goes to Phil and Darrell
Second Place with 5 bass weighing 17.45lbs goes to Frank and Keith
Third place with 5 bass weighing 14.29lbs goes to Mike and Steve
Big Dead Ugly Bass weighing 8.21lbs goes to Phil and Darrell.
Next tournament is Istokpoga July 23rd, launching from Istokpoga Park off of Hwy. 98.
This is a permit lake so remember if you have fish you must not put your boat on the trailer.
Hope to see all at the ramp