
Butler Chain 3-25-17

Butler Chain


It has been way too long since we have fished since our first tournament back in January. Glad we voted next year to fish a regular tournament in the month we fish classic. I would like to welcome the team of Justin and Dalton to SPPB. Justin has fished with us before and has joined forces with his new partner. Glad to have them in our club! Matt had the pleasure of fishing with his fiance as his sub and Randy had his Dad fish with him as his sub. Rob was out of town and his partner Terry decided to fish alone out of his kayak. That is determination at its best and they definitely want to qualify for the classic. From the reports of teams that pre-fished it was going to be tough. Only 4 teams brought in limits and lots of small bass were caught.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 11.22 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 9.69 lbs goes to Josh and Mark

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 9.13 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Big Bass weighing 5.63 lbs goes to Jason and Darrell

Congrats To All!

Now I would like to let all members know that I received a phone call during the tournament that a team was spotted driving their boat on plain without their PFD’s on. I immediately called the team and explained to them we all must wear while on plain. They explained that they were just motoring up to drift down where they were fishing, but acknowledged they made a mistake and did not think at the time they needed since they were not going very fast or very far. They reassured me they would wear. Over the years I have had to remind other teams about some of the basic rules and it should be about safety, courtesy and professionalism of each and every member. So as a reminder to all please wear your PFD’s while on plain and be courteous and professional to all members.

Our next tournament is on Crooked Lake, April 22nd out of Bob’s Landing. Remember they have a ramp fee.

See You At The Ramp



2016 Classic Tournament

Lake Okeechobee 2016 Classic

2-18-17 and 2-19-17

Another Classic has come and gone. Now we have to wait and qualify for the next Classic which will be February 10th and 11th 2018 on the Big “O”. The weather was actually pretty good this year. Water levels were down and a lot of chocolate colored water to be found. Lots of bass biting, but trying to get the big bass was tough as can be. Quite a few missed big bass opportunities from what I heard. But that is fishing and not catching as they say.

I want to thank all of our great members who helped make our Classic a great success, and all of the sponsors who donated items along with the members who also donated and purchased raffle tickets to help raise money for our tournament. We raised a total of $755.00 just from the raffle which goes 100% to the winners. First place paid $1132.00, Second place was $631.00 and third place was $559.00. Not too bad for our club! I have attached the entire results below.

First Place with 10 bass weighing 27.50 lbs goes to Jason and Darrell

Second Place with 10 bass weighing 23.86 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Third Place with 9 bass weighing 20.58 lbs goes to Josh and Mark

Big Bass day 1 weighing 5.64 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

Big Bass day 2 weighing 4.89 lbs goes to Mike and Matt

Congrats to all the winners!

Here is a recap from the meeting and what we discussed and voted on. It is really nice when we can get together and have an open forum to discuss what we think is important and try to make our club better.

Classic Weigh In Times: we discussed on keeping the Saturday weigh in at 3:00 and possibly changing Sunday weigh in time to 1:00? Josh then made a great point that we are fishing on one of if not the best lake and we should not be taking away fishing time. We all agreed to that and decided to keep it the same. Saturday is 3:00 and Sunday is 2:00.

12″ Limit: discussed for a while and was brought to a vote that 12″ fish will be allowed starting next year.

2018 season: was decided to have 11 tournaments.

50/50 Raffle: idea was proposed that an extra $10.00 be added for tournament fees and the extra $10.00 would give each team two raffle tickets with option for any member to purchase more. For example if we averaged 10 teams per tournament with 10 tournaments we could raise $500.00 for our Classic. We decided to discuss at our meeting at the end of the year.

2016 Classic 2-18-17 and 2-19-17


Lake June in Winter 1-28-17

Lake June in Winter


The first tournament of the 2017 is over and it was nice seeing everyone who showed up. I would like to welcome the new team of Randy and Tommy. We are glad to have the both of you join our club. Now who did Matt and Mike piss off during the tournament? From what I heard there is a grumpy dude who lives on the lake and does not like anyone fishing around his dock behind his house. Guess Matt also fished there the weekend before too which really pissed him off when they fished around his dock again. Must be the same dude who Steve and I ran into a few years ago and we got into a verbal confrontation. He thinks he owns the water in the lake? Hope we never get like that if we have the chance to live on a lake and have a dock. Can’t wait to hear all about it from Matt and Mike. This dude put little notes on all the vehicles saying that Matt and Mike are cheaters. Good thing they did not weigh in a big sack of bass……lol.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 16.20 lbs goes to Dick and Scott

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 9.96 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 9.84 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Big Bass weighing 4.46 lbs goes to Rob and Terry

50/50 winner goes to Mike

Thank you all for your 50/50 efforts! Total tickets was $70.00. YTD is $35.00

Our next scheduled tournament for 2017 is March 25th on the Butler Chain launching out of RD Keene Park.

February is the 2016 Classic which is the 18th and 19th with prefishing on Friday the 17th. No Prefishing one week prior to Friday 2-17-17.

See You At The Ramp,



Lake Arbuckle 11-19-16

Lake Arbuckle


The 2016 tournament season has come to a close. First I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing everyone in 2017. I think the bass on Lake Arbuckle were already on a holiday break because they sure were not cooperating on this Saturday. There were no limits weighed in the most any team had was 4 bass. That is fishing at times and not enough catching keeper bass. Helps me appreciate the good days we have on the lakes.

First Place with 3 bass weighing 10.25 lbs goes to Troy and Jake

Second Place with 3 bass weighing 6.30 lbs goes to Rob and George

Third Place with 4 bass weighing 6.17 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Big Bass weighing 6.30 lbs goes to Troy and Jake

50/50 raffle goes to Troy

2016 Angler of the Year goes to Mike and Steve


After the weigh in we had our end of season meeting to choose the lakes for 2017. We discussed the idea of having two tournaments in the month of February when we have our 2016 Classic. It was voted to only fish the Classic in February. There will only be 10 tournaments plus the 2016 Classic. We also discussed the 50/50 raffle which has generated quite a bit for our Classic payouts plus the winners get 50%. We raised less this year then we did last year and wanted to make sure everyone still wants to have the raffle each tournament. We all voted to keep and it was mentioned that we need more participation from all members. We had 13 teams join in 2016 and 9 teams have qualified to fish the 2016 Classic. Boat #6 / #9 /#10 / #11 did not qualify. Remember there is no pre-fishing 7 days prior Friday February 17th. Pre-fishing is permitted on Friday February 17th. Tournament days are Saturday February 18th and Sunday February 19th. 3:00 pm weigh in on Saturday and 2:00 pm weigh in on Sunday.

I would like to also thank Steve, Darrell and Jason for all they do each tournament!

See You Next Year,



Harris Chain 10-22-16

Harris Chain


One more tournament to fish after the Harris Chain. From all the reports fishing was going to be tough. Even the reports from local tournaments the fishing has been tough. Plus there were numerous tournaments too fishing the same Saturday. We had nine teams show up to fish on this October Saturday. The only good thing was the weather even though the wind was blowing. And yes the fishing was really tough. No limits were brought in.

First Place with 4 bass weighing 15.91 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Second Place with 2 bass weighing 4.38 lbs goes to Josh and Mark

Third Place with 1 bass weighing 1.87 lbs goes to Richard and Pat

Big Bass weighing 6.83 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Congrats to all!

Next and last tournament is November 19th on Lake Arbuckle. We will be having our meeting after the tournament to choose the lakes for 2017 and review / vote on any other topics.

See you at the ramp,



East Lake Toho 9-24-16

East Lake Toho


Two tournaments to go and there is a three way race for angler of the year. There is a 2 point difference between first and second place and 14 points for third place. Darrell and Jason with back to back wins are in third, have caught up to Mike and Steve,  Joe and Greg who took third place, are in second right behind Mike and Steve who zeroed on this tournament.

I would like to thank all the team members for helping with the FWC on their livewell study. They really appreciated all of our efforts. Once they send report I will email to all. They also offered to come to our meeting and review the results of the entire study.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 13.42 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 11.35 lbs goes to Josh and Mark

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 10.36 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Big Bass weighing 5.35 lbs goes to Josh and Mark

50/50 winner goes to Troy

Next tournament is October 22nd on the Harris Chain. Launching at Hickory Point.

See You At The Ramp,



Lake Rosalie 8-27-16

Lake Rosalie


It has been a few years since we fished this lake. From what I remember the first time not too many fish were caught? And from the teams that pre-fished it was not looking much better this year, but you never know on tournament day. 9 teams showed up on this potential rainy day. And yes it was a pretty tough day and according to some teams it was the day of missing big bass. Jason and Darrell called Steve and I to see if we had any beer? Jason was depressed due to a monster bass he lost at the boat. I also missed a big bass and then we heard from Charles and Timothy who also had missed a big bass. And right at weigh in the storms came in and drenched all of us. Only one team had a limit. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Dick and Scott were back. It was really nice to see them back after their little time off.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 14.17 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Second Place with 4 bass weighing 10.28 lbs goes to Dick and Scott

Third Place with 4 bass weighing 6.91 lbs goes to Charles and Timothy

Big Bass weighing 5.80 lbs goes to Jason and Darrell

50/50 winner goes to Greg

Next tournament is September 24th on East Lake Toho out of Chisholm Park.

See you at the ramp,



Lake Kissimmee 7-23-16

Lake Kissimmee


Welcome the two hottest months of the year. After this tournament hopefully only one more really hot month to go? We launched out of Camp Mack for this tournament and all seemed to go pretty good except for a few teams who got stuck behind the other club launching who decided to block the waterway near Camp Mack and could not get out to the main river where we were staging. Out of 8 teams only one team had a limit. Yes fishing was tough and hot!

First Place with 4 bass weighing 12.97 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 11.20 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

Third Place with 3 bass weighing 8.10 lbs goes to Josh and Marcus

Big Bass weighing 4.57 lbs goes to Steve and Mike

50/50 winner goes to Mike

A few items I would like to mention. First I spoke with Dick and he continues to get better and is hoping to return at the next tournament. Second with the new rules we will have permits for each tournament. I have attached the PDF showing all the info. Last we are currently reviewing the dates of our 2016 Classic and right now February 18th and 19th 2017 are what we are working on. Our next tournament is August 27th on Lake Rosalie at the public ramp.

See You At The Ramp




Winter Haven Chain 6-25-16

Winter Haven Chain


Let me tell you it was nice being back from missing the last tournament. I really had fishing withdrawals! We had two subs fish this tournament. First Salene fished with Josh and Tanner fished with Mike Touchton. It is that time of year when the temperatures are killer. The morning was still really nice but it did not take long for the heat. Just wait until July and August. Water levels were way up and lots of dirty water. Even the cleaner lakes were not as clear as usual. 10 teams showed up and only three had limits. The fishing was tough especially after 11:00.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 18.10 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 13.10 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Third Place with 3 bass weighing 9.22 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

Big Bass weighing 5.62 lbs goes to Steve and Mike

50/50 winner goes to Troy.

Congrats to all!!!

Next tournament is July 23rd on Kissimmee Chain launching out of Camp Mack. Starting in July we will have to have permits for each tournament. There is another club launching out of Camp Mack with approx. 50 boats so please try and get there a little early.

See You At The Ramp



Lake Walk in Water

Lake Walk in Water


Since I was not at tournament I will do my best do write this newsletter. From what I heard there is not mush to write about… This is usually one of the lakes we all look forward to fishing, but sometimes the fishing can be tough on any lake. Out of 9 teams that showed up only two teams brought a limit to the scales. Not sure what happened but I guess I missed a rough day of fishing.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 13.46 lbs goes to Rob and George

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 11.75 lbs goes to Steve and Justin

Third Place with 3 bass weighing 8.05 lbs goes to Josh and Marcus

Big Bass weighing 5.68 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

50/50 winner goes to Darrell.

Congrats to all!

Next tournament if June 25th on Winter Haven Chain launching out of William G. Roe Park.

Hope to see everyone at the ramp.



Lake Tarpon 4-23-16

Lake Tarpon


First I would like to send out some healing vibes to our club member and friend Dick Fletcher who has been out sick now for a few weeks and counting. I spoke with him the other day and he still has a few weeks to go before he can return and fish, but he told me he will be back soon.

Next I would like to welcome the new team of Charles Pearson Jr. and Timothy Solomon. Glad to have you with SPPB!

From what everyone heard about the fishing conditions on Lake Tarpon, it was going to be a tough tournament. They were not kidding. Lots of small bass were caught and a few nice keepers also, but not like we all want the fishing to be like. Out of twelve teams only three limits were brought to the scales. I would like to pass on a message from Joe and Greg who would like to thank Matt for his help Saturday morning before we started the tournament. Joe had some battery issues and Matt was kind enough to jump on board and correct the wiring on his batteries. Thanks Matt!

First Place with 4 bass weighing 12.71 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 12.30 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 10.17 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Big Bass weighing 8.38 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

50/50 winner goes to Troy.

Congrats to all.

Our next tournament is May 21st. Yes it is the third Saturday. The fourth Saturday is Memorial Day Weekend. Walk in Water launching from public ramp. Please remember this is a managed lake and for the solo teams you will only be allowed to weigh in three bass.

See You At The Ramp,



Butler Chain 3-26-16

Butler Chain


First I would like to welcome Pat Stevens and Richard Pulos to SPPB. If you have not already introduced yourselves please take some time at the next tournament to do so. I also wanted to introduce a new sponsor to SPPB, Bass Addiction. They were kind enough to help with some misc. items for our Classic raffle in April and they have a lot of great apparel and tackle. Please check out their website which is on the sponsor page. If you received one of the cards they offer a discount too.

Matt had sub Holly fish with him today since Mike’s boat decided to stop working when they were here on Friday prefishing. Rob also had sub Terry fish with him. Oh yeah he was a little late getting to tournament because his jeep decided to catch fire early Saturday morning. He has Steve and I beat with our tire blowout on the way to the tournament. 12 teams fished on this March day. Lots of bass were caught, but the bigger bass were hard to find.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 14.69 lbs goes to Rob and Terry

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 10.51 lbs goes to Josh and Marcus

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 8.75 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Big Bass weighing 3.84 lbs goes to Rob and Terry

50/50 winner goes to Mike.

Next tournament is April 23rd on Lake Tarpon out of Anderson Park.

See you at the ramp,



Crooked Lake 2-27-16

Crooked Lake


What A Pig!

No I am not talking about any of the members, but easily could be….lol. I am talking about the 11.26 pound bass that Greg and Joe brought into the weigh in. This has to be the biggest bass weighed in in SPPB history. CONGRATS!

Joe and Greg withh 11.26 pound bass

I think everyone was just glad the wind was not blowing 30 plus mph. Was still chilly early in the morning, but warmed up by late morning. What a great turn out too. 11 teams showed up to fish on this February day, our second tournament of 2016. Lots of bass were caught, but was a little tough to get the keepers. Only one team had a limit. The lake water level was way up compared to the last few times we have fished Crooked. Was nice not running into stumps.

First Place with 4 bass weighing 15.57 pounds goes to Greg and Joe

Second Place with 4 bass weighing 7.14 pounds goes to Darrell and Jason

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 6.80 pounds goes to Dick and Scott.

Big Bass weighing 11.26 pounds goes to Greg and Joe.

50/50 winner goes to John

Congrats To All!

Our next tournament is March 26th, 2016 at Butler Chain.

See You At The Ramp!



Lake Istokpoga 1-23-16

Lake Istokpoga


Welcome all to the 2016 tournament season! And what a way to start by having 20-30 mph wings with higher gusts throughout the day and quite chilly too. At least the rain stopped by the time we launched. During the week the board was watching and discussing the possible conditions we would be dealing with and numerous members also were watching and keeping us informed. We really appreciate all the input. We decided to fish since we were launching out of the North end and would be protected as much as possible. As each and every tournament you have to adjust to the elements and hope your game plan works out. We all made the adjustments to try and figure out where the fish were and hope to get them to bite. It is never easy when fronts come through in the winter time. 8 teams showed up to fish one of our favorite lakes, but it was a tough day to be fishing. At least for most. One team showed off by kicking everyone’s butts. Only three teams weighed in fish. We had a couple of subs this tournament. Darrell’s better half Kim fished with him and Steve fished with Matt. Best decision Matt has made in a while. Matt’s new nickname is lip boy since they did not net their fish, Matt lipped them.

First place with 5 bass weighing 21.26 lbs goes to Matt and Steve

Second place with 5 bass weighing 9.81 lbs goes to Scott and Dick

Third place with 1 bass weighing 1.75 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Big Bass weighing 6.91 lbs goes to Matt and Steve

50/50 winner goes to Matt

Congrats to all!

Next tournament is February 27th on Crooked Lake launching out of Bob’s Landing

See you at the ramp,



Lake Reedy 11-21-15

Lake Reedy


Before I forget I would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas and hope all have a great holiday season! Yes the 2015 tournament season has come to an end. After the tournament we voted on the 2016 lakes which will be posted accordingly. The 50/50 raffle we do every tournament raised $310.00 which will go towards the 2015 Classic. We will continue to do the raffle in 2016. Now for the tournament. 3 teams brought in limits and fishing was tough. We had a couple of subs too. Josh fished with his son Josh and Malcolm fished with his brother Jason.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 15.88 lbs goes to Malcolm and Jason

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 11.56 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 8.28 lbs goes to Josh and Josh

Big Bass weighing 6.89 lbs goes to Malcolm and Jason

50/50 winner goes to Mike

2015 Anglers of the Year go to Mike and Steve.

Congrats to all!

Hope to you all next year!



St. John’s 10-24-15 and 10-25-15

St. John’s

October 24th and 25th, 2015

This is the first two day tournament we have done besides the Classic as far as I can remember. There are only a few locations that really qualify for a two day tournament so the club decided to return to St. John’s where we had two Classics in the past. 9 teams drove the long distance to participate on this large body of water. The tournament had only one little accident from what I heard. Seems Ken decided to take a little swim early Friday morning when he thought he was stepping into John’s boat and ended up in the water. If I remember correctly Rob was near by and helped Ken back onto dry land. Then we realized there were lights at the boat docks. What a difference lights can make. The rest of the weekend went better, except the fishing was tough as could be. Even the locals were saying the bite has been tough. Day one of tournament only one team came in with limit and day two only one team had a limit.

Day 1:

Leading with 5 bass weighing 10.98 lbs goes to Rob and Tony

Second Place lead with 3 bass weighing 6.30 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Third Place lead with 3 bass weighing 6.11 lbs goes to John and Ken

Big Bass day 1 weighing 3.08 lbs goes to Rob and Tony

Day 2:

First Place with a two day total weight of 18.18 lbs goes to Rob and Tony

Second Place with a two day total weight of 16.10 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Third Place with a two day total weight of 11.32 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Big Bass day two and of the tournament weighing 4.99 lbs goes to Dick and Scott.

Raffle winner goes to Tony.

The next and last tournament of 2015 is November 21st, 2015 on Lake Reedy. Hope everybody changes the clocks accordingly…….(Steve)…….and hope to see everybody there. We will be voting on next year’s lakes and anything else you would like to bring up for discussion or a vote.



West Lake Toho 9-26-15

West Lake Toho


First I would like to notify all members there has been a change of date for the 2015 Classic. Due to Easter Weekend we had to change the date to April 9th and 10th 2016. Please make the necessary arrangements to call and change your reservations or make your reservations. Remember no pre-fishing allowed 7 days prior to Friday April 8th. Pre-fishing on Friday April 8th only. I have called Dick and Scott too so they would not drive down on the wrong weekend. Same Classic rules apply as previous years. Second I would like to welcome back Mike Touchton who came back to fish with us and his loyal partner Mickey. Now to the tournament. Fishing was a little tough, but was better than last month’s tournament on Tarpon. 4 teams out of 10 brought in limits, but no big limits and lots of small bass were caught.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 11.81 lbs goes to Dick and Scott

Second Place with 4 bass weighing 11.22 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 10.75 lbs goes to Matt and Jeff

Big Bass weighing 5.49 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

50/50 Winner John Fugate

Next tournament is a two day tournament on The St. John’s October 24th and 25th. Same pre-fishing rules apply as the Classic. No pre-fishing 7 days prior Friday October 23rd. Pre-fishing on Friday the 23rd only. Big bass of the tournament will count towards points. We can still have big bass payout for each day though?

See You At The Next Tournament,



Lake Tarpon 8-22-15

Lake Tarpon


Hopefully this is the last hot month of fishing for the 2015 season? My goodness it was a brutal hot day! And the fishing was not much better. From all the rain, dirty and hot water and the scorching temperatures it was a tough day to say the least. 11 teams braved the elements and only two teams brought in a limit. Three teams zeroed including Rob’s one fish that jumped out of his live well back into the lake.

First Place with  5 bass weighing 9.63 lbs goes to John and Ken

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 8.40 lbs goes to Gary and Eric

Third Place with 3 bass weighing 5.18 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Big Bass weighing 3.50 lbs goes to Dick and Scott

50/50 winner goes to Eric.

Our next tournament is West Lake Toho out of Southport on 9-26-15.

The 2015 Classic will be March 26th and 27th 2016 in Clewiston on the Big “O”. Please start making your reservations.

See you on Toho!



Lake Kissimmee 7-25-15

Lake Kissimmee


With the threat of rain on this Saturday 7 teams showed up to take their chances. With all the rain we have been getting  I am sure we all thought it would be a rainy wet day. It turned out to be quite a nice day considering. Only one rain system came through which lasted about 15 to 20 minutes where Steve and I were fishing. The cloud cover and threat of more rain actually kept the temperatures down a little. Water was way up and with the recent storms had the fish scattered and buckled down. Tough day of fishing for most.

First place with 5 bass weighing 11.48 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Second place with 3 bass weighing 6.50 lbs goes to Darrell and Jason

Third place with 4 bass weighing 5.40 lbs goes to Joe and Greg

Big bass weighing 4.90 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

50/50 winner goes to Greg.

I wanted to remind everyone about our October 2 day day tournament on the St. John’s. Tournament dates are October 24th and 25th with pre-fishing on Friday October 23rd. We will follow the Classic Rules on this tournament with no pre-fishing 7 days prior to Friday October 23rd. We have made accommodations at Bass World Lodge and Marina in Crescent City. Make sure you call and reserve you room. 386-467-2267. Tell them you are with SPPB.

Next tournament is on Lake Tarpon August 22nd. See you at the ramp.



Lake Istokpoga June 27th, 2015

Lake Istokpoga


Yes I know I am running a little late with newsletter. My how time flies when work gets in the way and consumes my life.

With the lake being low and the weed spraying they have been doing for a while I do not think anybody had a good game plan to find the keeper bass. Plus the water temperature was way up there. The musical boats Darrell and I had to do was quite a challenge too. Steve was on vacation, and with Darrell’s boat still in the shop we were able to pull it off. I used Steve’s boat and had my oldest son Justin fish with me. Jason and Darrell used my boat and the fishing was on. 8 teams showed up to fish. There was almost 9 teams but one team had to leave due to his partner not being able to fish and with the managed lake you needed to have the team in order to weigh 5 bass. This will be changing too in the near future.

First Place with 5 bass weighing 15.27 lbs goes to Troy and Adam

Second Place with 4 bass weighing 11.41 lbs goes to Mike and Justin

Third Place with 4 bass weighing 11.30 lbs goes to Matt and Jeff

Big Bass weighing 6.41 lbs goes to Justin and Mike

50/50 raffle winner goes to Greg.

Next tournament is July 25th on Kissimee out of Colemans Landing

See You At The Ramp
