Butler Chain of Lakes
As we waited in line for the gates to open and the other club to launch the 5 teams which showed up had a little meeting. It was brought up for motion to have each team contribute another 10.00 whenever there are less than 9 teams so a second place could be paid. The members agreed to try it at this tournament and we all paid the extra dues. It was not that long ago we adjusted the payout the way it is set up now due to the small payouts for three places when there is a small amount of teams. The board will look into ammending the way we tried it Saturday. Now on to the windy day of fishing this chain of lakes. 3 limits were brought in but there were lots of small bass caught. I am sure the wind had something to do with this? At least it wasn’t cold!
First Place with 5 bass weighing 11.45lbs goes to Matt and Mike
Second Place with 4 bass weighing 10.14lbs goes to Darrell and Brandon
Third Place with 5 bass weighing 9.16lbs goes to Joe and Greg
Big Bass weighing 5.56lbs goes to Darrell and Brandon
Our next tournament will be March 23rd on Lake Tarpon out of Anderson Park. I believe daylight savings is March 10th so please get there early as we usually launch earlier than normal.
See You Then