
Winter Haven Chain 5-31-14

Winter Haven Chain


I would like to welcome the new team of Troy Smith and his son Damian to SPPB. It is always nice to have a new team join our club, and it is great to see a father and son team fishing together, especially when the son is 10 years old. We explained in the morning that it is a rule that the new team cannot win the first tournament. Rob fished with team member Brent who is officially a member since team Rob and Tony maxed their sub quota already. We had eleven teams for this tournament and rumors had it it would be a tough tournament. The rain held off until after the weigh in which is always a good thing. 3 teams had limits and lots of little bass were caught. Just getting the keepers was tough.

First Place with 4 bass weighing 13.42 lbs goes to Troy and Damian……even though we told them they could not win?

Second Place with 5 bass weighing 11.33 lbs goes to Rob and Brent

Third Place with 5 bass weighing 11.09 lbs goes to Mike and Steve

Big Bass weighing 5.68 lbs goes to Troy and Damian


50/50 raffle $40.00 winner goes to Gary To date we have $90.00 for the 2014 Classic.

Our next tournament is June 28th on Lake Reedy. We will have a brief meeting  before the tournament or possibly after if we run out of time before we launch.

See You At The Ramp,
